About Me

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Hello All!! I am an Engineering Student; studying for my Masters in Engineering at Morgan State University. This is my first blog and I hope everyone enjoys as well as gain some insight.

Friday, March 16, 2012

I first started this blog because I wanted to explore the virtual world in depth. Lately I have been searching the web about virtual worlds in particular. I have come across various interesting virtual environments and how many different people use them. The collaboration and communication techniques that I have read upon are very intriguing. On a website called “New World Notes” (http://nwn.blogs.com/)  all they discuss is virtual environments. As I was reading through different post I came across “Pinterest”. Now at first I thought pinterest was just a social networking site. But as I looked further in depth I noticed that bloggers within pinterest most of them have second life accounts ( http://pinterest.com/secondlife/ ). The way I use second lie is nothing in comparison to how these people are using it. I found this very informal to what I am blogging about because this proves one of my points that people are using virtual worlds to collaborate and connect. Pinterest bloggers create well defined avatars in virtual worlds to share and sell products; products relating to fashion of course. I cannot wait to see what I find out next. 

Rebecca Jestice "Using a Virtual World for Multiple Audiences: Benefits and Challenged" August 25, 2009
Jospeh Moran "Living in Virtual World"

Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcome All

I will like to welcome all to my first blog; IT in The Virtual World. This blog is about virtual technology pertaining to the upcoming use of Virtual Worlds and how it is being implemented into various environments. I created this blog because I would like to get to know what everyone thinks about the development and usage of Virtual Worlds. Is it beneficial and how or do you think it is a waste of time and just a game?