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Hello All!! I am an Engineering Student; studying for my Masters in Engineering at Morgan State University. This is my first blog and I hope everyone enjoys as well as gain some insight.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcome All

I will like to welcome all to my first blog; IT in The Virtual World. This blog is about virtual technology pertaining to the upcoming use of Virtual Worlds and how it is being implemented into various environments. I created this blog because I would like to get to know what everyone thinks about the development and usage of Virtual Worlds. Is it beneficial and how or do you think it is a waste of time and just a game? 


  1. Im new to blogging as well but I have managed my way out to post something for the first time.
    I do appreciate virtual worlds most importantly because it allows for rich real-communications specially in video conferencing.

  2. Virtual worlds offer the opportunity, unavailable with earlier technologies, such as weblogs, for people to get together, deliberate, exchange ideas, inform each other and contribute meaningfully to the process. First, virtual worlds allow players to create individuated characters with unique identities. By acting through avatars, players take on a role distinct from yet related to their own identity. This allows players to create “public” characters that think and act as members of a community, rather than merely private individuals. That avatar, like the citizen, can choose to behave in public-spirited ways that the avatar’s creator might not.. Also, the ability to play a role as an avatar opens up possibilities for the simulation of different stakeholders within the process. Second, the graphical interface of a virtual world allows users to explore the environment and interact with other people and information. Not only can participants easily create graphical objects, but they can also inspire those objects with intelligence and cause them to communicate ideas. In other words, participants can easily develop their own simulations, models, examples and illustrations.

  3. To examine virtual technology of interest to me because I really believe that someday, somehow, computers will be able to mimic human behavior. It sort of uneasy to think about it but we see the vision in the imaginations of the Sci-Fi movie writers. I remember when I was young the Jetson cartoon seemed to be surreal...now we have Xbox and FaceTime....
